Download our free e-guide to learn how to get energized in
the simplest way.
After you turned 40, you started notice changes in your body temperature, mood, hair, weight, cravings and of course your cycle is all over the place.
At first, you chalked it up to 'being over 40' but then the changes started to really get to you. Your sleep is horrible, your moods are unstable and you no longer feel like yourself.
Feeling exhausted all day long
Food cravings
Gut issues
Caffeine life
If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, and you are looking to work with a Wellness Consultant who specializes in working with busy professionals, you are in the right place.
janine L,. Windsor, Ontario
Getting more energy into your life shouldn't be easy, not difficult. Download our free e-guide to learn how you can naturally boost your energy levels through nutrition, well-being movement, and mindfulness and maintain a sustainable weight.
If you are looking to connect with like-minded professionals who struggle with low-energy levels, join our Facebook group. Here you will learn how to level-up and discover how easy it is to improve your overall health and energy in the workplace.
Join our Free webinar, 'How to Elevate Your Energy Levels Naturally Without Giving Up on Time' on October 3rd @7pm EST. Topics will range from nutrition well-being movement, mindfulness, and sustainable weight loss.
It’s very common to sit at our desks and work during our lunch hour. We have so much to accomplish during our work day that we sometimes feel entitled to sit at our desk and get as much work done as ... ...more
health ,Corporate Wellness Wellness tips &Well-being
September 17, 2024•3 min read
Whether you took a couple months off or continued with your regular fitness routine, it never hurts to re-visit your current fitness goals to see if you need or want to make changes. Here are a few t... ...more
fitness tips ,Fitness Exercise &Goal setting
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How much is too much when it comes to using technology and are there physical side effects with prolonged use? Let’s take a look and dive deeper into the age of digital culture and how it’s affecting... ...more
health ,Wellness tips Well-being &Mindfulness
August 29, 2024•6 min read
Here at Virya-life we support busy professionals who are experiencing low energy levels and want to support their body naturally in both their personal and professional lives.
Is there a way to feel more energetic and connected with ourselves? Wellness is not just about the food we put in our bodies or how frequently we move. Looking at the entire self is thinking about being connected to the natural world, encompassing our relationships with family and friends, having purpose in our jobs, and living a soul-guided life.
We'd love to have you. The Energy re-set community is for busy professional women who want to learn how to support their body naturally with time-saving approaches for nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, well-being movement, and stress reduction. The Energy re-set community page offers resources, tips, education and a safe space. It's free to join. Learn how to take back your energy using many of our time-saving tips.
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