Maureen has worked in the wellness industry for over 25 years in various capacities. Her simple approach to self-care focuses on prevention in both the external and internal life.
Virya-life is for busy professionals who want to focus on whole person health to create energy through education and collaborative decision making.
~Monica F, Toronto
Hi, I'm Maureen Hutchison
I'm a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, a Certified Personal Trainer, Meditation Coach, Breathwork Facilitator, and a Soul Coach.
These are simply just titles.
The real me is a woman who is happily married, adopts dogs, grows her own food, and lives a soul-guided life.
I have dabbled in many different professions over the years but I've always come back to the wellness industry to help others achieve their health goals.
I guess you could say that my soul's purpose is to help busy professionals find their way on their wellness journey using simple and time-saving tips.
With their being so much information to decipher through on the internet, my simplistic approach to achieving wholeness is practical for anyone who chooses their own wellness path.
No two individuals are alike so why do we follow a wellness path that's not suited for our mind, body, and soul?
Here at Virya-life we help busy professionals take charge of their own health by making decisions based on a combination of evidence and their own personal value system to achieve and maintain optimal health.
Let me help you design your wellness journey!
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